The Black Dress Project

June 23, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

The Black Dress Project is a portrait series I created, first, to challenge myself with a black dress theme, and second, to educate the public on the value of a classic portrait.  Women are notorious for not wanting to have their photo taken.  Oh, they will snap the selfies with their cell phones, or quick group shots with the kids or friends.  But an actual portrait that your grandchildren would keep? Not so much. Most women over 40 are waiting to get thinner. Or change their hair. Or lose weight. Or buy clothes. Or look younger. Or, again, lose weight. I say, let your photographer and makeup artist worry about that stuff and you just get a terrific picture of yourself that you can pass on to the ones who love you!  Yes, you can get a beautiful shot. And yes, they really do want a picture of you!

The Black Dress Project was a series of six photo sessions with six different women of various ages.  We did a before shot, some session "behind the scenes shots", and then the final edited portraits.  One of my goals was to show what a photo session is like.  Most people think of a photo session as a stressful experience, but my clients walk away saying it was a blast.  And that is part of the package, having a great time and getting photos you love. 

I am very proud of the work I did with Angela Winters, Hair and Makeup Artist, and the women featured in the #BDP series.  I hope you will take the time to look at a few of these videos. They are all featured on my ValariC Photography FB page. And I would love to hear your feedback!  A comment would be wonderful!





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