Photo Locations

April 22, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

So today I went on "photo location safari" in the quaint town of DeLand, Florida.  One thing I have learned by photographing in natural environments is that you can take a photo almost anywhere.  Light has so much more effect on my photographs than location ever could!

I have watched many excellent photographers create absolutely beautiful images in the most unlikely places.  I have learned to look for interesting lines, good light, frames, repeating lines, etc. everywhere I look.  As a matter of fact, it can become an addiction to evaluate the photographic potential of every area you pass through.  Am I the only one who looks longingly at the fields of flowers in the swale of the highways?

The above photo was shot on a small side street in DeLand.  One side of the street was clutter and cars, but the other a few interesting store fronts.  I knew that a wide open apeture would create a lovely background in this image of my friend.  When in the middle of a messy environment, use creative framing and cropping.  Blow out the background and crop out the mess.  I have seen awesome shots done between dumpsters - you just wouldn't know it to look at the final image!

Keep your eyes open and don't look for "picture perfect" settings. As a matter of fact, take the challenge to go into the unlikely, cruddy, not so scenic areas and make something awesome out of it! Anyone can take a picture in a pretty spot - big whoop.  Commit to finding  great shots in the unlikely places - that will set your photos apart from the crowd. Strive not to use the same tired spots as every other photographer with no eye for the creative. Once you get in the hang of creating beauty anywhere, it opens up a whole new world to your photography options - and options are always a good thing!


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